Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday Five: Garage Sale!

Welcome to your irregularly scheduled Fifth Friday Five, hosted by will smama and Songbird!

Since will smama is preparing for a joint garage sale with her parents, and Songbird's church had a Yard and Plant Sale last Saturday, we have five enormously important questions we hope you will answer:

1) Are you a garage saler? Yes, I love them! But I am banned from them till after we move. =(

2) If so, are you an immediate buyer or a risk taker who comes back later when prices are lower? I'm more of an immediate buyer most of the time. Like to get the deal without the wait. But, if I'm not sure, I think about it and then come back later. If it is still there, then I feel that the purchase is more necessary. If not, it was not meant to be.

3) Seriously, if you're not a garage saler, you are probably not going to want to play this one.
(That wasn't really #3.)

3) This is the real #3: What's the best treasure you've found at a yard or garage sale?

The sofa we have downstairs in our family room and the coffee table upstairs in our living room. Both got for $75. The sofa I have had for 8+ years and it is the most comfy piece of furniture I have. Love it!

The coffee table I am proud of because it works much better for my family than the previous and I was able to haggle with the people for it. Talked them down from $100 to $75. I was pretty proud of myself on that.

4)If you've done one yourself, at church or at home, was it worth the effort?
I have never had a garage sale. I usually donate my items to good will or a church. Much better for all that way.

5) Can you bring yourself to haggle? Yep, see #3

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cool video

Our friends have ducks that were laid and hatched in their back yard.
They live in town and to have this happen to city folk is just cool.
They are only a few days old and so cute (born on Memorial Day).
Check it out when you have a moment.


Too cute!

The Big Picture

How often do I look at life and complain. I think I am about the worst. I am so happy to be pregnant, but complain about the process. I am excited moving to WF, but the process of saying good-bye, selling a house, buying a house, and moving is not too exciting. And then there is the working with kiddos all day long. I just like to complain. But who doesn't in this world. If we don't get our way or have to take a longer path to accomplish an end result, we tend to vent our frustration. Someone not talk to you the right way or even flips you off when you are driving (yes, this does happen to me too), one just wants to let loose.

So, amazing enough, while watching Grey's Anatomy on Thursday, I came to a new revolution. I have to look at the big picture. Yes, moving is going to be hard, but it's not impossible. God will help me through the hard part. Yes, having to go to the doctor is rough when you have weekly appts, but as long as I have the will to make it though and I concentrate on being healthy, I can help bring a beautiful baby into the world....adding another member to my family.

Yes, looking at the big picture is hard, but it's not impossible. Cup half empty or full? Don't care, just glad I got the cup. =)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday Thoughts

What a dreary day. It's been a gentle rain all day. Have 9 kiddos today. But all is good. Can't believe that school is almost done. School for the kids are done, hence the 3 extra kiddos. But school for teachers is done tomorrow. Hard to believe. Soon, the 4 of us (after baby comes) we'll all be moving to WF.

This summer is going to fly. I'm now T-minus 7 weeks and counting. I realize that I'm a freak for mentioning the baby so much, but it's kind of hard to forget for me. Since everywhere I walk to, I feel my bladder being pushed on, tired from the constant moving or growing, or just exhausted from all the extra work it takes to do anything. Sitting on the floor isn't as easy as it used to be. Even standing up takes a little more effort. My husband is great. He has been lending a hand or 2 when I'm getting up. Just can't wait to have my body back. If they ever invent a way to have a baby, without having to go through the 9 months of pregnancy....let me know (without adoption, foster care, or surrogate mother). I would rather avoid the whole 9 months if I could, but since I'm not in the future.....I'll have to deal with what I got. =)

Otherwise, things are good. My son seems to forget what he is doing and as lunch was finishing today, he wet his pants...all over the kitchen floor. That was a mess and disgusting, but cleanable. He's pretty excited for tomorrow night. He gets to go to a friend's house. Yes, it's a girl's home. And of course, the little girl (from my daycare) has said that when she grows up, she is going to marry him. I gave her mom a hard time that maybe we shouldn't have them sleep in the same house till then. But given that my son is 5 and her daughter is 2 1/2, I think we'll be fine. =)

While the 2 kiddos play together, my husband and I are going out to celebrate our 8 year anniversary. It's hard to believe we have been married that long, but we have. It's been a good time, filled with many ups and downs. But somehow we have managed to stay in love and find new ways to surprise each other. Our anniversary was on Tuesday and my husband gave me a plant. Usually, I would give him a rather hard time about giving me a plant (I would rather have some pretty flowers), but this plant was some rather sad looking tulips. Since tulips are going out of season, finding some nice looking ones are hard. But as I was "thanking" him for the gesture, I realized that it was much more. When these flowers stop their blooming, I will have the bulbs to do with what I want. He told me that I could plant them at our NEW home. Just brought shivers all over and tears to my eyes. What a great idea! Here I was looking at the plant as something he tried so hard to make me smile. But he was really giving me hope for something beautiful next spring. And maybe by our 9th anniversary, we'll have some beautiful tulips growing too!! =)

So, off to dinner and a movie tomorrow night and a peaceful evening with no kiddo Saturday morning. I can actually sleep in with no interruptions and even have some quality time with my husband. What a good end to a hectic week.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Yes, and every emotion you can think of, has been filling my being in the last 3 days. So, my mom laughed at me last night when I told her I was sad, happy, tired....etc, etc. No, she wasn't laughing because of my emotions, but my reasoning behind it. I'm 33 weeks prego. Last night, I was tired and lonesome for my husband. I was in tears and the first thing I told her was I am only crying because I am prego. She laughed. Well....listen to my weekend.

Friday, I was excited and nervous. There were many people who drove by our house slowly and looked it over. Some stopped for pamphlets and some just drove away. Excitement filled the air.

Saturday, I was overwhelmed. Finding out that we have more looking into to get the work done on the bay window and hitch for the Santa Fe. Then our microwave decided to go out (burning a hole in the glass turning table in the process), so off to 3 different stores till I found the microwave that would work for us. And then lonesome. My husband was gone all day and spending the week with kiddos all day with little to no adult interaction does wear on one. So, by Saturday afternoon, I was craving time with him. By evening, we went to a gathering and the adult interaction was good, but by this time, I was getting tired. Left to take my son home to get him to bed. Crashed for the evening. I guess I was snoring. Husband slept on the couch.

Sunday, tired. Didn't sleep well and then after church and all the festivities, we headed home for lunch and my son went down for a nap (lucky him) and I went to a bridal shower. It was a Tastefully Simple party and so they passed around lots and lots of samples. Silly me. I was avoiding all the ones with cheese in them. I forgot about all the other items that have rich milk products in them. Oh, that night, I was not feeling the greatest! With a puke bucket, saltine crackers, and sprite next to me, I went to sleep. And yes, again, husband slept on the couch so I would not get sea sick.

Monday, lonely. My husband was away at school all day and I working as usual. He came home, gave my son and I a kiss, grabbed a pop, and was out the door to a meeting. He didn't get back till after my son and I were both in bed asleep. Again, I was sawing logs. Off to sleep on the couch my husband went.

Thus, for the past 3 days, I have little contact with my husband. So, at 5 am this morning, when I found my husband on the couch, I had to wake him up and request some cuddle time. He gladly came and we talked for almost an hour before we started our day. Hard to believe that such a small amount of time we had together this morning, but it was wonderful. And the best part, we got to wish each other a Happy Anniversary. 8 years ago today, we were married in Lincoln, NE. So hard to comprehend sometimes that we have not only have been married for that many years, but we find each other more and more fun each day. I love him so much. So when he is gone for a few days, I do miss him and all that he does. The good and the bad. I'm just glad he is in my life.

So, if you were me, you wouldn't cry. Trust me, on any given day when I am not prego, I would be lonesome but not to the point of tears. But, mix them up together and yes, mom.......I do get emotional. But......the emotions are made more intense being prego. Just remember, you were there at one point too. I'll be glad when the baby is here and my life can get to a "normal". Is that ever possible?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday thoughts

So, I am excited that Wednesday is almost over. I have to say, all day, I have felt it was Tuesday and when I sit back and think, then I remember it's Wednesday. Thank the Lord! I am still liking my job, but the week has been long. Kiddos are excited for the nice weather and with the nice weather and 2 babies around 3 months's hard to do anything outside till my husband gets home. So, with 8 kiddos - 2 of those babies, it gets hectic around the house. Today was a good day, but a long day.

Then, here I am. Sitting and thinking about my day.
Both babies slept well. Ate well. And they are both at this stage where they smile and giggle and move more. They are fun babies.

The 19th month old is testy. Likes to do things to torment the other kiddos. Knows what he is doing, just likes to see what he can get away with. Love the testing stage. =)

The first 2 1/2 year old was rough. She is going through a screaming phase. Any little thing will set her off. Mostly if another kiddo gets too close. So, for the 3rd day in a row, she had time -outs. Rough.

The next kiddo 2 1/2 year old is going through potty training. Doing much better. Each day is better day than the day before. He gets so happy when he poops in the potty and gets hugs. Loves the high fives he gets for peeing in the potty and being dry. Just doing so well. I pray that continues for the next daycare he goes to.

My 3 year old is so cute. Just smiles when I talk to him. And today, he showed me how excited he is at putting together simple puzzles. Just all smiles and so happy.

The 4 year old, he tests too. He just wants to have more independence. Good kid, just needs to be reminded to settle down, not be so bossy, and to relax. Always trying to help or avoid me. Funny kid and so smart. He'll go far.

Then there is my son. He tries so hard to be in control of the situation. Gets that from me. Today, he wanted to know if he could go outside. I said no. Then he went around the room and asked if any kid could go outside. If I said no, he would continue until all the people in the room were picked. Cute, cause he kept trying. Annoying, cause he kept trying. But he is so proud to be a "big boy" and tonight was so excited to be a "big brother" soon. He's definitely a keeper! =)

Then there is me. I'm tired due to the baby. Exhausted due to the work. And ready for a day to sleep in, but I may never get one again. =) My husband has been great in helping and I feel blessed to have him in my life and whether either one of us are ready for it or not, we'll be parents again soon. I know that we can do it......sleep deprived, we'll do it. And what a new adventure it will be.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Well, it's official. I am now employed as of this fall. I will be a Paraprofessional at WF Public Schools. I had the phone interview on Friday with the principal and officially accepted the position today. I will be working in the Resource room, 5 or so doors away from my husband's new 2nd grade room and from what he tells me, across the hall from the kindergarten rooms (where my son will be). It will be an exciting, yet interesting school year, but we are all looking forward to the new move and to the adventure ahead. =)

So, we got the jobs and the daycare lined up. If you could keep us in your prayers for a house search and selling of our current house to go great

AND of course safe delivery of the new baby expected on July 9th (ish). =)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cool Pictures

I just thought these pictures were too cool not to share.
I had my OB appt on Thursday.
She took these pictures and I was able to scan them in .

Side view of baby head with arm by face (umbilical cord is fuzziness by chin)
Another side view (umbilical cord is fuzziness by chin)
Front view of face (umbilical cord is fuzziness by chin)
Yes, that is the foot in front of the nose.
(umbilical cord is fuzziness by chin)

Less than 9 weeks to go. Will be 32 weeks on Wednesday! =)

Friday, May 9, 2008

FRIDAY FIVE - Gifts of the Spirit

FROM ACTS CHAPTER 2: 14 Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: "Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. 15 These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It's only nine in the morning! 16 No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:17 " 'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. 18 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. 19 I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. 20 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. 21 And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'

(My personal favorite in this passage is how Peter insists the men cannot be drunk because it's only 9:00 a.m.)

Anyway, it's Pentecost and my very first Friday Five! Thinking about all the gifts of the spirit and what Peter said of the "last days"......

Have you or anyone you know

1. ...ever experienced a prophesy (vision or dream) that came true?
I had a dream once in college that I would marry a guy by the name of B_ _ _ _. I never saw a face or remember much about the dream, but it was raining outside the church, and there wasn't much light in the church, and I had lace all over my dress.

8 years later, I started dating my husband. And he had the exact same name and after 2 1/2 years dating, we got married. There was a downpour outside during the first 15 minutes of the candlelight service. My wedding dress was covered in lace.

It was a beautiful service and years later, I made the connection from what I remember. Freaky, but so cool!

2. ...dreamed of a stranger, then actually met them later?
I've had that feeling that I have met someone before, lots of times. But I can't remember a specific instance that it happened.

3. ...seen a wonder in heaven? (including UFO's)
The clouds on a beautiful sunny and slightly breezy day. I remember as a kid, going to the top of a hill outside our farm and just laying there and looking up at the clouds (kind of a little house on the prairie feeling) and just believing that heaven was on the other side. Sometimes when I see the clouds the same way, I get a wonderful, peaceful feeling inside and feel that heaven is only just steps away. A joyous feeling.

4. ...seen a "sign" on the earth?
Everyday I turn on the TV. Wars in such awful places. Families fighting against each other. Earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons in such odd places or striking with such destructive forces. And a woman and African American running for President. That in itself must show the end of the earth. =)

5. ...experienced knowledge of another language without ever having studied it?
I can't say that I have with this one. I'm not a foreign language person. Passing German in collage was a miraculous occurrence, but as far as experiencing any and being able to correspond in that language....not by this person.

Bonus Question: What would a modern day news coverage of the first Pentecost have sounded like? Probably Dan Rather or Peter Jennings in front of the Apostles and other disciples and just so confused as to how they were carrying on conversations with other people of so many diverse languages. The camera would roll and they would be directing question after question at these people expecting to get a concrete answer. Finally would just explain, "that's the way it is" and walk away confused.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mixed up day....

So, it's been quite a day. Morning, kids were climbing the walls....babies crying for no reason and just craziness! Then, this afternoon, they all slept quite well....woke up happy and were good kids. And in the midst of getting ready for my weekly OB appt, I received a phone call requesting an interview for a potential job this fall. I'm pretty excited. The OB appt went long, but all good and I'm back home relaxing.

Prayers for a good weekend on the job, home, and sanity.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday Turmoil

So, I love babies. I really do. But today has been such an "off" day. I feel like screaming!

The 2 babies I watch, both slept around 4 hours in the AM. That is unusual, but they both have been sleeping more lately and a bit under the weather, so I let them go. Now, it's like pulling teeth to keep them from screaming their heads off. One is downstairs with me in the bouncer. After 10 minutes of a screaming fit, she seems ok. The other, went down for another nap 1 1/2 hours ago and now is waking up.

Will the madness end???

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Saturday Party

Saturday was a crazy but fun day! Believe it or not, we made it though our 5 year old's birthday party. The sun came out and it warmed up outside and all 9 kiddos (ranging from 9 weeks to 5 years old) all enjoyed themselves.

Friday night, my husband's brother, sister-in-law, niece, mom, and dad all spent the night. We had fun going our separate ways and all ended back at our place for the night.

Saturday morning, I woke up early and started baking. Made 2 cakes, the imfomous chocolate with chocolate frosting and m&ms on top and a crumb cake (for those who couldn't handle that much chocolate). Then, off to the store (forgot a few things). I did get home before more family arrived. We invited them and a few friends for lunch of grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, etc. So, when I got home, I went straight to work making potato salad. I remembered the hamburger and after 45 minutes of trying to thaw out the very frozen hamburger, I found out that the hamburger was not going to thaw, so off to the store again. Soon as we had the hamburger patties made and my husband took them to the grill, he came in and said that he was out of gas for the grill. So, off to the store he went. We finally ate and all finished about the time the party started. So, kiddos headed outside and played.

They played on the swingset.
And rode in the wagon.
And fell over laughing.
Played in the sandbox. Then into the house, for a bit of birthday cake fun.
Yes, this cake is chocolate with chocolate frosting and M&Ms on top.It tastes yummy too!Then off to the gift opening!!Lots of fun gifts!Even his cousin gets into it!Despite nosebleeds, broken dishes, stubborn hamburger, and grills that don't light....... was lots and lots of fun!
Any trouble was well worth it to see the look on this guy's face!
Happy Birthday!BTW....the T-Shirt is so TRUE!! =)


Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday Five -- Waiting

Part of the Ascension Day Scripture from Acts 11 contains this promise from Jesus;

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Then he was taken from their sight into the clouds, two angels appeared and instructed the probably bewildered disciples to go back to Jerusalem, where they began to wait and to pray for the gift Jesus had promised.

Prayer is a joy to some of us, and a chore to others, waiting likewise can be filled with anticipation or anxiety....

1. How do you pray best, alone or with others? Alone. I find a spot or a time where I can have my heart to heart with God. Sometimes I pray out loud and sometimes to myself, but either way, I do feel like it is a conversation with Him.

2. Do you enjoy the discipline of waiting, is it a time of anticipation or anxiety? I hate waiting. I'm not the most patient person. The one thing that I have been good about waiting for is the birth of our second child, but at times I do find myself just wanting to have the pregnancy over with. To find out what this baby will be would be fun, but it's also fun to wait and let it all be a surprise. =)

3. Is there a time when you have waited upon God for a specific promise? Right now. The whole summer is a stressful one. Each decision that has to be made we wait for God to show us the way to go. Finding a new job. Selecting a new home. Selling our current home. The birth of our baby. I know that God will be with us and guide us through the rough and stressful time, but for the time being, we are waiting for each opportunity to arrive.

4. Do you prefer stillness or action? Action. I'm not one to sit still. Ask any of my friends and family....sitting and resting is very hard for me.

5. If ( and this is slightly tongue in cheek) you were promised one gift spiritual or otherwise what would you choose to recieve? The gift of patience. I seem to have very little of this, although it has gotten better over the year. Patience to here what God has to say to me personally. Patience to see his plans. Patience to live in this world while waiting for the next. Patience.