Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday thoughts

So, I am excited that Wednesday is almost over. I have to say, all day, I have felt it was Tuesday and when I sit back and think, then I remember it's Wednesday. Thank the Lord! I am still liking my job, but the week has been long. Kiddos are excited for the nice weather and with the nice weather and 2 babies around 3 months's hard to do anything outside till my husband gets home. So, with 8 kiddos - 2 of those babies, it gets hectic around the house. Today was a good day, but a long day.

Then, here I am. Sitting and thinking about my day.
Both babies slept well. Ate well. And they are both at this stage where they smile and giggle and move more. They are fun babies.

The 19th month old is testy. Likes to do things to torment the other kiddos. Knows what he is doing, just likes to see what he can get away with. Love the testing stage. =)

The first 2 1/2 year old was rough. She is going through a screaming phase. Any little thing will set her off. Mostly if another kiddo gets too close. So, for the 3rd day in a row, she had time -outs. Rough.

The next kiddo 2 1/2 year old is going through potty training. Doing much better. Each day is better day than the day before. He gets so happy when he poops in the potty and gets hugs. Loves the high fives he gets for peeing in the potty and being dry. Just doing so well. I pray that continues for the next daycare he goes to.

My 3 year old is so cute. Just smiles when I talk to him. And today, he showed me how excited he is at putting together simple puzzles. Just all smiles and so happy.

The 4 year old, he tests too. He just wants to have more independence. Good kid, just needs to be reminded to settle down, not be so bossy, and to relax. Always trying to help or avoid me. Funny kid and so smart. He'll go far.

Then there is my son. He tries so hard to be in control of the situation. Gets that from me. Today, he wanted to know if he could go outside. I said no. Then he went around the room and asked if any kid could go outside. If I said no, he would continue until all the people in the room were picked. Cute, cause he kept trying. Annoying, cause he kept trying. But he is so proud to be a "big boy" and tonight was so excited to be a "big brother" soon. He's definitely a keeper! =)

Then there is me. I'm tired due to the baby. Exhausted due to the work. And ready for a day to sleep in, but I may never get one again. =) My husband has been great in helping and I feel blessed to have him in my life and whether either one of us are ready for it or not, we'll be parents again soon. I know that we can do it......sleep deprived, we'll do it. And what a new adventure it will be.

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