Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween 2008

So, having kids are fun. Especially, when you can dress them up in cute outfits and make them pose for pictures.

And carving pumpkins is fun too!!!

With Halloween here and gone, we have learned a few things.

1. Make sure you explain to your kids how much candy is ok to give to each kid.
I'm glad he's not in charge of our bank account.

2. The icky, slimy stuff inside the pumpkin is lots of fun to laugh at, especially when you make funny noises.

3. Babies don't like costumes

4. Going Trick-or-Treating is not as much fun as handing out the candy.

5. 5 year old boys do know how to open the M&Ms.

6. Halloween is not just for kids.

7. Candy is more fun to share than to take.

8. Daylight savings time coming after Halloween makes for more candy giving.

9. Doorbells and bedtime don't mix

10. It's way more fun to be a kid during Halloween than an adult.

Hope you all had a happy and fun Halloween. Send us pictures when you have a moment.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Palin on SNL

Another funny SNL. Too cute not to post!

Sarah Palin on SNL

Monday, October 20, 2008

More Hot Air Balloon Pictures

Here are some more pictures and video of the awesome weekend. Enjoy!

Blowing up the balloon.......

To watching many other balloons launch into the evening sky......

To watching the balloonists light up the sky....Listen close for the background music!
It was too windy to actually put the balloons on, so they just used their burners. This is the first time they have ever done a "night glow" to music - it was totally unrehearsed. A little background info for you . . . we were told the burners put out enough heat to heat an entire house in about 4 SECONDS! I got a little warm taking the video!
They kept saying, balloonist are special people.
All are afraid of heights and are pyromaniacs.

Twas lots and lots of fun!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hot Air Balloon Fun

So, in WF - each year, they have a Hot Air Balloon weekend. 15-20 hot air balloons appear in the town and they make a big weekend of it. This year, there will be 15.

Well, today being the Friday of the fun events, they set up a balloon and launched it right before the entire Elementary School.

This is the first time I have ever seen a balloon from start to lift off. It is quite amazing. I thought I would share.

Tonight, my husband and son head to the sight to see all 15 balloons lift off. It will be nice to see.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fey or Palin???

I think SNL is still funny at times.
Recently, I have taped the SNL and caught the
Tina Fey's interpretations of the Republican VP candidate.

Quite funny!

SNL Palin and Clinton

SNL VP Debate

Then....I found this....VP debate in 1 minute:

SNL Palin interview with Katie


As I hear other people talk about siblings and how "different" they are.
I looked even on my blog and found proof of these differences in my own 2 boys.

N at 3 months

Z at 3 months

Hard to believe sometimes that they are related.
Can you see it? One is happy and the other one is an actor.
Funny how that works?!?! =)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Football Saturday

So, it was a fun day at our house. Woke up and dressed in Husker Red. Then had a dickens of a time getting the boys to sit and smile together.
N got this adoreable outfit from our friends (Thanks M, K, T, & B --- it finally fits and is not too warm outside to put it on!!)

Gave up with the group shot, and just went for the individual ones. =)

Even though the Huskers lost the was a good day.

(Yes, Z is wearing one of my sweat shirts. He was in a goofy mood and thought it would be funny to put it on. No problem! Just had to get the camera!)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Boy has these weeks been quite busy. The past weekend was strange and hectic.

Friday - Day after Parent/Teacher conferences. Husband working all day till 9 pm. So Friday was a day off for us all. So, around the house, I got lots done. He worked on getting ready for the weekend class. And boys just "chilled" all day long. Great day! Then we got the call from Husband's dad. He needed some help with an errand. In the process, husband's mom was feeling quite sick on Friday. So, I came to hang out with her, just in case, while the men ran the errand. (Grandma & Grandpa D watched the boys). Long story short....Grandma J ended up in the hospital. She had surgery today, all ok.
We received word around 4:45 that she was out and all seems better. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Even though it was a "minor" surgery, it's good to know that she is feeling better already.

And on Saturday, after Z and I got back from visiting Grandma in the hospital, it was such a great day to go to the park. I needed to get out and Z needed some attention and to be out as well. So, I mentioned to him if he wanted to ask Grandma D and Grandpa D to come too. He was so excited.
So, we spent some time at the park, came back....made supper and then played Candyland. Glad for the peaceful night.

Then Sunday, we had church and Z had his first gymnastics class (kindergarten teacher from school decided to start one up this year). And we were running a bit so life was still hectic. In the afternoon/evening (after gymnastics)
Z and I had to make 40 cookies for snack for Monday. He was beside himself with excitement and I was a bit overwhelmed when the weekend was over. Then, husband was on his way home, the car started smoking. He noticed things not quite right on his way down Friday night and asked a friend (facilitator he works with) to follow him home. Got to almost WP and he had to pull over due to the smoke. So, Last night, hubby and his dad went to get it. In a down-pour, they got the car on the trailer and moved to the mechanic.

This week, I have had meetings for the One-Act (cast list is up and starting to schedule practices) and I pray for patience these coming weeks to be able to keep calm, find the things I need for props and costumes, and be able to direct the kiddos in the right direction....and keep my sanity and joy of being a mom and wife. Shall be an interesting 6 weeks ahead. =)

So....that's life in our world. Hope all is well with you.