Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Boy has these weeks been quite busy. The past weekend was strange and hectic.

Friday - Day after Parent/Teacher conferences. Husband working all day till 9 pm. So Friday was a day off for us all. So, around the house, I got lots done. He worked on getting ready for the weekend class. And boys just "chilled" all day long. Great day! Then we got the call from Husband's dad. He needed some help with an errand. In the process, husband's mom was feeling quite sick on Friday. So, I came to hang out with her, just in case, while the men ran the errand. (Grandma & Grandpa D watched the boys). Long story short....Grandma J ended up in the hospital. She had surgery today, all ok.
We received word around 4:45 that she was out and all seems better. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Even though it was a "minor" surgery, it's good to know that she is feeling better already.

And on Saturday, after Z and I got back from visiting Grandma in the hospital, it was such a great day to go to the park. I needed to get out and Z needed some attention and to be out as well. So, I mentioned to him if he wanted to ask Grandma D and Grandpa D to come too. He was so excited.
So, we spent some time at the park, came back....made supper and then played Candyland. Glad for the peaceful night.

Then Sunday, we had church and Z had his first gymnastics class (kindergarten teacher from school decided to start one up this year). And we were running a bit so life was still hectic. In the afternoon/evening (after gymnastics)
Z and I had to make 40 cookies for snack for Monday. He was beside himself with excitement and I was a bit overwhelmed when the weekend was over. Then, husband was on his way home, the car started smoking. He noticed things not quite right on his way down Friday night and asked a friend (facilitator he works with) to follow him home. Got to almost WP and he had to pull over due to the smoke. So, Last night, hubby and his dad went to get it. In a down-pour, they got the car on the trailer and moved to the mechanic.

This week, I have had meetings for the One-Act (cast list is up and starting to schedule practices) and I pray for patience these coming weeks to be able to keep calm, find the things I need for props and costumes, and be able to direct the kiddos in the right direction....and keep my sanity and joy of being a mom and wife. Shall be an interesting 6 weeks ahead. =)

So....that's life in our world. Hope all is well with you.

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