Saturday, September 20, 2008

A better week with a great weekend ahead!

This week was pretty good, but compared to last, it was heaven.

Last week, I had a sick husband, which meant being a "single" mom for a bit and I was helping get substitute plans and things to the sub in his 2nd grade room. A bit hectic but I survived.
Last Friday was tough. Things in my classroom were just crazy and after a day like that....I needed time to myself. Only after about 1/2 hour of clearing my brain (which wasn't enough time), my husband left for the weekend. LC to put on his facilitator hat. Thankfully, he was only gone for 1 night and the next night he was back. Picking up my feet and putting on my "git-r-done" hat, I got some things put on the walls, cleaned some rooms and brought myself back out of my slump.

So, a new start to this week. Still hectic and can't believe that I survived it at times, but glad to have experienced it.
* Mon-Wed both my husband and I had after school meetings.
* We got a new water softener put in. The other one overflowed over our floor before church 2 weeks ago. So, we decided that enough was enough. We are now renting a NEW one. If there are any problems, we don't pay the bill. We are like that much better.
* I have been going into some classrooms and helping out. It's been so much fun and so challenging at the same time. The kids are great and I get to see other teaching styles. Fun for me and I learn things too.
* My husband and his dad cut our mop boards a few weeks back. But because of the hubby being sick and things last week....we didn't do anything more with them till this week. Now they are totally stained and varnished. Husband put them up, just have a few minor things and the living room/dining room will be done.
* Behind on laundry and need to really clean the bathroom and vacuum. Shall be a busy day, but glad that I can get things done today.

Good news, I have discovered that our son N is a bit ticklish. He breaks out (most of the time) when I rub his tummy or sides. I looked this morning and his eye lashes are not only getting darker, but long like his big brother's. So they do have something in common. =)

Husband is emptying the dishwasher, so I better go and get something to eat to start my day.

Tonight, our friends B,S,M,M are coming. Baby M is being baptized and we are excited to be a part of it. Z is excited to see M and play with her.

I love weekends like this. Relaxing and not too crammed with things. Love the weekend!

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