Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday Five: Garage Sale!

Welcome to your irregularly scheduled Fifth Friday Five, hosted by will smama and Songbird!

Since will smama is preparing for a joint garage sale with her parents, and Songbird's church had a Yard and Plant Sale last Saturday, we have five enormously important questions we hope you will answer:

1) Are you a garage saler? Yes, I love them! But I am banned from them till after we move. =(

2) If so, are you an immediate buyer or a risk taker who comes back later when prices are lower? I'm more of an immediate buyer most of the time. Like to get the deal without the wait. But, if I'm not sure, I think about it and then come back later. If it is still there, then I feel that the purchase is more necessary. If not, it was not meant to be.

3) Seriously, if you're not a garage saler, you are probably not going to want to play this one.
(That wasn't really #3.)

3) This is the real #3: What's the best treasure you've found at a yard or garage sale?

The sofa we have downstairs in our family room and the coffee table upstairs in our living room. Both got for $75. The sofa I have had for 8+ years and it is the most comfy piece of furniture I have. Love it!

The coffee table I am proud of because it works much better for my family than the previous and I was able to haggle with the people for it. Talked them down from $100 to $75. I was pretty proud of myself on that.

4)If you've done one yourself, at church or at home, was it worth the effort?
I have never had a garage sale. I usually donate my items to good will or a church. Much better for all that way.

5) Can you bring yourself to haggle? Yep, see #3

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