Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday Thoughts

What a dreary day. It's been a gentle rain all day. Have 9 kiddos today. But all is good. Can't believe that school is almost done. School for the kids are done, hence the 3 extra kiddos. But school for teachers is done tomorrow. Hard to believe. Soon, the 4 of us (after baby comes) we'll all be moving to WF.

This summer is going to fly. I'm now T-minus 7 weeks and counting. I realize that I'm a freak for mentioning the baby so much, but it's kind of hard to forget for me. Since everywhere I walk to, I feel my bladder being pushed on, tired from the constant moving or growing, or just exhausted from all the extra work it takes to do anything. Sitting on the floor isn't as easy as it used to be. Even standing up takes a little more effort. My husband is great. He has been lending a hand or 2 when I'm getting up. Just can't wait to have my body back. If they ever invent a way to have a baby, without having to go through the 9 months of pregnancy....let me know (without adoption, foster care, or surrogate mother). I would rather avoid the whole 9 months if I could, but since I'm not in the future.....I'll have to deal with what I got. =)

Otherwise, things are good. My son seems to forget what he is doing and as lunch was finishing today, he wet his pants...all over the kitchen floor. That was a mess and disgusting, but cleanable. He's pretty excited for tomorrow night. He gets to go to a friend's house. Yes, it's a girl's home. And of course, the little girl (from my daycare) has said that when she grows up, she is going to marry him. I gave her mom a hard time that maybe we shouldn't have them sleep in the same house till then. But given that my son is 5 and her daughter is 2 1/2, I think we'll be fine. =)

While the 2 kiddos play together, my husband and I are going out to celebrate our 8 year anniversary. It's hard to believe we have been married that long, but we have. It's been a good time, filled with many ups and downs. But somehow we have managed to stay in love and find new ways to surprise each other. Our anniversary was on Tuesday and my husband gave me a plant. Usually, I would give him a rather hard time about giving me a plant (I would rather have some pretty flowers), but this plant was some rather sad looking tulips. Since tulips are going out of season, finding some nice looking ones are hard. But as I was "thanking" him for the gesture, I realized that it was much more. When these flowers stop their blooming, I will have the bulbs to do with what I want. He told me that I could plant them at our NEW home. Just brought shivers all over and tears to my eyes. What a great idea! Here I was looking at the plant as something he tried so hard to make me smile. But he was really giving me hope for something beautiful next spring. And maybe by our 9th anniversary, we'll have some beautiful tulips growing too!! =)

So, off to dinner and a movie tomorrow night and a peaceful evening with no kiddo Saturday morning. I can actually sleep in with no interruptions and even have some quality time with my husband. What a good end to a hectic week.

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