Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Big Picture

How often do I look at life and complain. I think I am about the worst. I am so happy to be pregnant, but complain about the process. I am excited moving to WF, but the process of saying good-bye, selling a house, buying a house, and moving is not too exciting. And then there is the working with kiddos all day long. I just like to complain. But who doesn't in this world. If we don't get our way or have to take a longer path to accomplish an end result, we tend to vent our frustration. Someone not talk to you the right way or even flips you off when you are driving (yes, this does happen to me too), one just wants to let loose.

So, amazing enough, while watching Grey's Anatomy on Thursday, I came to a new revolution. I have to look at the big picture. Yes, moving is going to be hard, but it's not impossible. God will help me through the hard part. Yes, having to go to the doctor is rough when you have weekly appts, but as long as I have the will to make it though and I concentrate on being healthy, I can help bring a beautiful baby into the world....adding another member to my family.

Yes, looking at the big picture is hard, but it's not impossible. Cup half empty or full? Don't care, just glad I got the cup. =)

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