Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April 1 - No April Fools Joke - Ultra Sound

I had my 3rd ultra sound today. Both my son and husband went. The appt went well. All is good with the baby. My doctor is great! He just cracks me up. My son was awed by it all and kept his attention the entire time. When the doctor would stop and pause the picture, son would say - Stop! Then when the doctor would let the baby move, son would say - Go! This went on for some time. Finally, doctor just looks at me and smiles and asks, "Do you like red light/green light?" My son responds...."Yes I do!" It was a good morning. I go back in 4 weeks for another look. I guess I will get a bunch of ultra sounds this baby too. =)

My son also got some pictures to take with him. We got to school and he runs into school and down the hall to his classroom and shows his teacher right away. Tells her it's A GIRL!! She starts to believe him, then I correct him and say, it COULD BE. =) Funny how that happens. =)

Hope your day is going well. I'm ready for a nap...it's not even 10 am! Appt was at 7 am and with a 45 minute drive to Omaha, I was up much earlier than normal. But, I'll be ok. It will just be a long day.

Enjoy the pictures! Baby didn't give doctor a great view. You can see the face - Eyes, nose, and mouth. And the last picture, the hand went in front of the face, so that's what the blotch is. But all is good and the baby sure likes to kick! Ouch! Kicked my side during the ultra sound. That hurt a bit.

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