Friday, March 28, 2008

A Million Dollar Friday Five

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Lingering effects of a cold have me watching more television than usual. There appears to be a resurgence of the old daytime staple--the quiz show. Except they are on during prime time, and a great many of them offer the chance of winning one million dollars.

I think it started with Regis Philbin and "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" but now we have a half dozen or so.

My husband and I started musing (after watching "Deal or No Deal") about what we could do with a million dollars. I thought I'd just bring that discussion into the Friday Five this week. It's simple. What are five things you would want to do with a million dollar deposit in your bank account?

1. Pay off all our bills
2. Put a good chunk into savings
3. Give to Churches we have attended over the years, LSC, and Camp
4. Be nice to family (as long as they are nice to us) =)
5. Buy the acreage that we have always wanted with all the things that I want inside.

After I was all done with that, I would try to live my life as "normal" as I could. Most likely, I would still work, still raise my kiddos with the morals that I was taught, and continue to be generous with my gifts to others.

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