Thursday, April 3, 2008


So, today is a new day. Yesterday was quite hectic. I had 7 kiddos all day, till my son came home, then 8 for about 30 minutes. It was busy, tiring, and the day flew by. Before I knew it, moms and dads were coming and picking up all the kiddos and by 5 pm, the house only contained my son and I. What a day!

It was mainly hectic due to 2 kiddos. The 8 week old that started and a 1 1/2 year old that is a drop in only this week for 3 days. All was going "ok" up until nap time, then they both revolted and didn't want to lay down. Didn't want to do anything but cry when I left the room and have some "special" attention. Don't get me wrong, we all have those days, but when it's 2 kiddos that are over a year apart, it is quite difficult. Not to mention, this was during nap time. Nap time is my down time. So, instead of having some time to settle down myself, I was running back and forth between kiddos.

So, 5 pm hit. My son was playing in the basement quietly by himself. I ventured upstairs to the living room and just crashed on the couch. I didn't sleep, but I just laid there. Taking in all the running around in circles I did during the day, relaxing my body and mind, and just wanting to go out to eat instead of deal with figuring out something to eat for myself and my family. So, 10 minutes laster, in walks my husband. Didn't take much convincing for him to determine that I needed to get out of the house. So, off to Pizza Hut we went. And enjoyed a quiet and fun meal, just the 3 of us.

It's days like yesterday I will treasure. But it's also days like yesterday that help me yearn for a simpler life with only 2 kiddos (both mine) and my husband.

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