Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Deep Thoughts....part 2

So....we are on the verge of a new start. Yep. A new adventure.

Selling our home.
Moving to a new house.
A new job (hopefully for both my husband and I).
New school for my son.
Adding a new member to our family.

A lot of new things. Needless to say, I'm a bit scared, sad, and hesitant. Well, why shouldn't I be. It hit me last night that this home is the only home that my son really remembers. He was 2 when we moved in. Now he's almost 5. He has had many, many memories built inside and outside these walls.

Then there is my husband and I. It's our first official purchased home. Yes, the bank "really" owns it, but we actually picked it out, made changes that helped us and made it our home. And the independence of being a homeowners has really made us feel grown up. (not like having kids does that, but just the feeling of our own home has brought us to a more respectful understanding of everyone who has done that before us).

Next, there is the whole thought of leaving all our friends. We have been in this area for 6 years. Yes, we've moved before and made new friends, but this time it's a bit different. When you finished college, you were supposed to go out into the world and find your spot. So, when I graduated, my husband and I packed up and moved here. Now, after 6 years of making friends and living in this community, I will truly miss all of this. I will miss the teachers that my husband works with, I will miss the cute events that happen in the town, I will miss all my daycare families, and I'll even miss being 10 minutes to "civilization" where you can buy things you can't in a small town.

Don't get me wrong, I am very excited for moving to WF. I'm excited about the new start for my husband. He has longed to have administration and teachers that all are able to work together and teach more to the students. And I am excited to be closer to family. How my son longs to be more in the lives of his grandparents and how we look forward to some closer connections and being more around family as well. And we'll be 1 hour closer to all of my family as well. I am excited to getting back to basics again. Longing for a simpler life and not being so stressed. That may be a bit more optimistic, but what can I say. =)

So, last night it hit me. It hit me that we're moving. Saying goodbye is going to be 2 more and more common words that will be exiting my mouth. I just need to remember that with every closed door, another one opens. It's going to be hard, but at least I have 3 months to get adjusted to the idea....right? And before you know it, these new adventures will be upon us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Has it really been six years? That's just incredibly beyond belief. How the years fly.

We hope so much that everything goes smoothly for you guys - because we can't wait to see you in your new home!