Tuesday, February 26, 2008


So, I just dread screaming kiddos. I don't mind if the kiddo is upset for a few minutes, but to carry on and on.....it just bugs me. I don't care what age......if you are over 8 months old, you can control their actions.

Today, my youngest daycare kiddo, who is almost 1 year, decided to take a picture frame out of our living room and take it into the bathroom. Luckily, I caught him in time and snagged the frame away. I know it's hard to understand, but he needs to learn that you just don't flush things down the toilet or even play in the bathroom. This is where the "fun" began. He was overtired. (Don't know what mom and dad do at home, but this kid is constantly needing to sleep and never seems to get any at home....when he leaves here, he is fine and happy....but never comes with anything but tears).

So, with a tired kiddo that needed to go to time out, I brought him into the kitchen, where I was making lunch. He sat for 10 seconds and wailed!! You thought he got hurt or something the way he carried on. Screaming and screaming. I know he wasn't hurt, because I would look down at him and he would instantly stop making any noise.

So, after a few seconds, he decided to get up. So, I went over, and put him back in time out. This continued on for the next 20 minutes. Finally, he sits his allotted minute and I let him up.

Then, 5 minutes later, I catch him doing something else he shouldn't do. This time, I take him to time out and get the other kiddos eating lunch. This kiddo wails and wails. He finally calms down (10 minutes later), I pick him up to give him lunch. As I place him in his high chair, he starts throwing a temper tantrum. By this point, I don't care. I give him his food and sippy cup. He continues to scream and kick. I just walk away to help the other kiddos. He can carry on, it makes no difference to me. I am tuning him out and making sure the other kiddos are eating and not going hungry. After 15 minutes of screaming and pushing everything away (not wanting to eat), I put him down for his nap. Another 20 minutes of screaming and he finally settles down and goes to sleep.

Hope tomorrow is better. =)

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