Friday, February 29, 2008

Look Before You Leap, It's the Friday Five!

It's Leap Day!! Whether you're one of the special few who have a birthday only once every four years, or simply confused by the extra day on the calendar, everyone is welcome to join in and play our Leap Year Friday Five.

Tell us about a time you:

1. Leapt before looked
When we got pregnant with our first child. My husband and I just thought, why not let God decide. So we started getting ready for us to try. I got of the pill and decided to let my body "get ready". Little did we know that God got it ready before we were ready to seriously think about it. Oh, we wanted a baby, but just wanted to wait another couple of months to a year.

Financially, we were nowhere close to being ready.

Physically, we had what we "needed" by the time our son was born.
Emotionally, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.

Thankfully, God gave us the skills, knowledge to do what we thought was for the best, and kept us strong through the tough times. We feel blessed that we feel more prepared this time around and look with amazement that our son survived those first 2 years of life. =)

2. Leapt to a conclusion
Too many times to count. I now don't send emails when I'm mad, try to talk to people face to face when I have a problem, and find that venting to my pillow is much better than to anyone else, including my husband. I tend to say things I don't mean even to him and better off just letting things go myself.

3. Took a Leap of Faith
When I started my daycare. I had one family that said yes. But, they only had 1 child. I didn't know anyone else that knew me or about my daycare. With a lot of prayers, strong shoulders, and a supporting husband, I put in my notice at work and a month later, I started daycare. On my very first day being open, I had 3 families stop by and decide to sign up with my services. With the changing world of daycare, I also found out that families don't always stay and that a better family will come around the corner when I need them. I learned a lot about praying and patience in those first 6 months.

4. Took a literal Leap
I am a bit crazy, but not that crazy.

5. And finally, what might you be faced with leaping in the coming year?
A new kiddo on the way is a definite. Maybe a new hobby? Who knows....only time will tell. =)

1 comment:

Scott said...

I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that starting the day care seemed like the perfect thing for you to do - we KNEW you'd be good at it. Now we see the end result of your faith, don't we?

Great play.