Thursday, February 21, 2008


So, my son is going to kindergarten this fall. I know! Who would have known. Both my husband and I were a little nervous about the meeting we attended tonight, but all 6 teachers that were there said he was ready. Showed proof and you know what....we knew it too, just didn't want to admit it out loud. I guess I thought he would, but thinking more and more about it, it makes my happy/sad. Happy that he is growing up to be an independent, fun, loving thinker who will eventually change the world. Sad because he is not my little bundle of joy anymore. He's a big boy, making big boy choices. He still makes me laugh, think, and even wonder what I would do without him. I have treasured these years with him and now I look forward to the upcoming adventure ahead. Him becoming a big brother, who doesn't just help mom and dad with his baby sibling, but is going to kindergarten. Leap forward and face the new light ahead!

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