Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hello world

A glimpse of our newest member. Only 4 1/2 months to go and I'm out of here!!!

So, Tuesday (the day after the AWESOME Bon Jovi concert....will talk about this more later with pictures), we had our ultra sound. Everything looks great. Doctor is pretty sure things are going well. We will go back again in April for another ultra sound to double check things again. Hope you can see this picture. The baby's left hand is out and sort of waving to all of us.

Dad says it's a boy, since it's being cool like that.
I say it's a girl, since it puckered it's lips.
Son says it's a sister.

Either way....we'll all will be happy and still won't find out till the baby decides to come out. Sorry for the suspense, but it's more fun that way! =)

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