The Friday Five: Options Edition
Sally has the Friday Five for RevGals & Pals today:
There is so much going on this weekend that I thought I'd provide an options Friday 5!!!!
First Superbowl ( someone explain to this Brit the significance)- love it or hate it?
* Neither. I just don't get into the professional football stuff. I think that is because my husband is such a college football kind of guy. But, I do watch bits and pieces and see how the game turns out, if I am still awake or alert when it's over.
I have to say though, the thought of grown men, running into each other on purpose to protect a piece of dead animal and try to get it to "their" end of the field does sound a bit caveman and does seem to bug me sometimes, but I do like to see how each team strategiezes and concludes each game with their right and wrong decisions.
Second, Candlemas/ Imbloc/ Groundhog day/ St Brigid's day- all of these fall on either the 1st or 2nd February.
1. Do you celebrate one or more of these? Nope. I do look at groundhog's day as a hopeful indication that summer is coming (I hate Jan and Feb cold) but don't take it to heart nor do I sit back and celebrate the rodent looking for his shadow.
2. How? See #1
3. Is this a bit of fun or deeply significant? fun, nothing taken to heart
4. Are festivals/ Saints days important to you? All saints I take a bit more to heart. Obviously Christmas/Lent/Easter but I really don't look to saint days to celebrate. I do like to remember those who are no longer with us that brought us so much.
5.Name your favourite Saints day/ celebration. Not really something I can say. All Saints would be the closest, but don't think that counts.
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