Thursday, January 31, 2008

Random thoughts......

I just realized that my hormones kicked in today. I started off the day so happy and ready for the day. I love Thursdays.....kiddos are usually gone by 4:30, so that in itself brings a smile to my face.

Then, I started to feel frustrated. Don't know why. Just frustrated. Frustrated that:
* I am out of saltine crackers
* Need to wash a little laundry
* The fact we don't have a dish washing machine
* The fact that we don't have a garbage disposal
* The constant and annoying crying of a little kiddo. There was no reason, he just felt like crying. I sat by him the entire time and he just cried.
* The word NO said by any kiddo when I ask him or her to pick up a toy.
* The fact it is only 10 am and I am already ready to crash
* My hubby is at work and I have hardly seen him this week.
* Thinking about the upcoming needy baby/delivery/and weight gain. Not something any woman looks forward to.
* Wanting more room in the kitchen.
* Wanting to have more time with my family
* Wanting my sister to stop texting me to request some selfish "favors"
* Why is 5 pm taking so long to get here!

I know these are all pesky things that I think about....but when you are at home, with 5 kiddos and no other adult interaction, my mind wanders. Just think of what will happen when I am further along. I'm only 17 weeks pregnant. =)

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