Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Back to the grind....

Ok....after a strange day yesterday, I have a strange day today. School was closed due to the roads and so less kiddos for me. Yeah! I love the adventure each day of 6 kiddos, but a few less is nice. Then on Monday, one of my pregnant moms gave birth to a baby girl. We were planning on seeing the new bundle last night, but due to bad weather, we stayed home. So....back to the "normal" day tomorrow. Hopefully.

What is new? Besides a new baby coming in the next 6-8 weeks...nothing new. This weekend my son and I are heading to Iowa. My husband has class he is co-teaching, so he won't be able to join us.

Why are we heading to IA? To visit family and friends (strange enough that most live in Nebraska) and to celebrate the Instillation of my brother-in-law into campus ministry. This has been something he has wanted for quite a while and we are excited to see.

Well, I have to also mention the other reason for this trip is due to my son. He longs to see his Uncle and he feels it is very important to retrieve the football he left the last time we visited. He had 2 and one is in IA and the other one was lost the day of the Super Bowl and was an issue for a bit.

So, we travel to IA on Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa.


Scott said...

As I was reading this, I looked at Kris and said, "Did we find the football?"

Yep. It's waiting here!

krugie23 said...

LOL!!! I have to say, if you didn't find it, I'm sure we could find our way to Target. It really is not that big of a deal. The boy is just attached to his football. No comment M!!

Thanks for looking though! =)