Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ash Wednesday Funny

So, there we are......sitting and listening to the Ash Wednesday sermon from our pastor. My husband and I were quite into it, when, at about the same time, we look down at our son. He has his tongue out and turning around in circles while mouthing words very quietly. And from our very thought provoking sermon, we start to wonder, "What on earth is he doing?"

So, we continue to watch. He stops, looks at us and smiles. Then sticks his thumbs out, shoulders back, knees together, butt out, tongue out.......etc....etc.... Yes, in the middle of the somber Ash Wednesday sermon, in front of his parents, our son was singing, "Singing In The Rain".

We both had to hide our smiles and laughter, but it was quite a sight to see. Right while we are reminded that we will someday pass away and be reunited with the dirt, our son reminds us to smile at life while we can. To enjoy each other, even in the deepest moments.

Thank God for little boys!

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