Sunday, December 30, 2007

What a weekend!

So, this weekend, my husband and I decided to really feel old, really make our son feel like a big boy, and spend some money....all in the same weekend. Ok, it wasn't that bad, but we did spend some money. We bought him a "big boy bed". We had everything but the mattress and it was not that hard to do. We just went up to the mart, cause of course they had a sale, and we picked one up. That was after we went to BK for breakfast (can't go on an empty stomach), then bank, shopping for mom (since she is outgrowing her bluejeans and such) and getting a new comforter for the new bed (we don't have any single bed blankets), and then off to the mart. It was literally the easiest shopping trip to the mart, and we had our 4 year old with too.....that in itself is surprising! But, we did all this and made it home by 11 am.

Then, he couldn't wait till after lunch to eat, so we set it up right away. So, here I am, rushing to get the room cleared out (because I didn't think to do that before we left) and while my husband was unhooking the bundle from the top of our Santa Fe (that was quite a sight traveling down the road with that hooked to the top). But by noon, we had the bed set up with his new
sheets and comforter. Then came lunch and quiet time. After quiet time, the fun began.

So, over the past 4 years, my son has collected about every stuffed animal one can imagine. We put them in the closet, under the bed, in chairs, on shelves, the things were all over. Over the last few years, I have tried to get my son to give them away to "kids who need them more", but each time I try, he just won't part with them. So, I tried a new approach yesterday. I gathered all the stuffed animals up and put them in our living room. I brought him in and told him that he could choose 5 to keep. The others are going to kiddos that need them more. He looked at me, then a smile went across his face. Then he said, "Yeah mom!". So we went to work. We picked up around 5-6 "friends" he could keep. Then, he even picked out 4 to let his yet to be born sibling have in the baby room. The rest we packed up, with a few other toys he didn't play with or care about. We packed up the car and went to Goodwill to give them away. I have to say, I was so proud of him and surprised how well it all went.

The last thing left to put in his room is a dresser. My husband is painting it (with leftover colors from our son's room). The dresser is cute, and with all the colorful paint, shall be fun to see in his "Cars/Sports/Thomas the Engine" room. The last coat of paint was put this afternoon, so tomorrow, in it goes. Then, officially, our weekend project is complete. It is exciting and so scary at the same time! Before we know it, our son will be starting kindergarten. My, how time flies!

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