Friday, December 28, 2007


Well, I survived my short week. Kiddos were good and I was actually done with them around 5 pm. Early night too.

Tonight, my son had fun playing "football" with mom and dad tonight. That consisted of him kneeling down and waiting till mom said hut, hut. Then he would stand up and pretend to be the quarterback....bouncing forward and backward like he was walking on eggs really really fast. Then mom or dad, threw him his Husker football. Many times he did not catch it, but he tried. Almost all the time he fell to the floor and yelled out though he was the crowd in the action too.

Then later, he went up to dad and pretended to take dad's order. As though he worked in a restaurant. He had a "pad" and everything. Then, he went to "make" the food, which consisted of everything invisible and everything from his head.

Earlier this week, we got video of him playing "doctor" on his patients, and dad. Even was looking for a cure of the bald head. =) Can't say he found one, and with his attention span, don't think I would count on anything from him anytime too soon.

Even though I work with kiddo each day, my day is even better when I watch the imagination of my 4 1/2 year old go beyond my thoughts. He amazes me each day!

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