Friday, December 28, 2007

An "Auld Lang Syne" Friday Five

It is hard to believe, but 2007 is about to be history, and this is our last Friday Five of the year.

With that in mind, share five memorable moments of 2007. These can be happy or sad, profound or silly, good or bad but things that you will remember.

Bonus points for telling us of a "God sighting"-- a moment when the light came through the darkness, a word was spoken, a song sung, laughter rang out, a sermon spoke to you in a new way--whatever you choose, but a moment in 2007 when you sensed Emmanuel, God with us. Or more particularly, you.

1. How grown up my son has become. His speech, actions, manners, and imagination has just take off. He went from a little boy to a big boy over night. He is much more vocal and his ability to play with himself or others is so extraordinary. He doesn't let much get in his way and we have realized that he is ready to imagine being anything or playing with anything under the sun. During this holiday season, he was in the Christmas Program at our Church. This is the 1st year. He did great! And he was aware that Jesus was apart of it all. He kept asking me about Baby Jesus...."Where is Baby Jesus mom?" It made me think. It made me realize that he's not so little anymore. And it's fun to sing Christmas songs when he can sing them too and get most of the words right too.

2. My husband getting his MS degree and then hired to teach the MS community he just completed. He worked so hard and to get such an achievement just makes me so proud. We thought for a long time that we didn't have the money or ability to allow him to take this leap. After we moved to our house, he plunged right in and loved it! Although he has a hard time, sometimes, with his school, he looks forward to the insight that these teachers in his class give him. They have built him up so much these past 2 1/2 years. Words can't say what a God blessing this is for both of us for him to have this opportunity.

3. Finding out that not only am I expecting my 2nd child, but so is my sister-in-law (who just gave birth to my niece in January 2007). And ironically, we are due only weeks apart. We are both due in July. My husband and I started trying only a few months before and thought that if we plan when we want it, God will humor us or just laugh at us. Right now, he is humoring us and making it better for all of us to have a summer baby. I count my blessing each day for God's support and strength.

4. My family. It has been a tough road for me to bring my parent's divorce to terms. They separated when I was a Junior in High School and then divorced when I was in college. I had a hard time getting along with my mom and a great relationship with my dad. Good and bad has come from that. My relationship with my mom has become so much better since then, but with my dad not so much. I guess that it doesn't help that I live a state (5 1/2 hours) away, but he lives a life so different than I. He recently had a house fire in his home this summer. He had chosen to stop his home owner's insurance after my mom left and so, the fire, set him back quite a lot. I'm thankful my sister lives near him, but that still doesn't help me feel better about his living situation or how he chooses to move on (another story, another date). I pray for God's guidance and peace each day with this and thank him for bringing peace to a bad relationship between my mom and I.

5. Lastly, I want to express my thankfulness for a wonderful husband that God has brought me too. No, I have been married to him since May 2000, but he surprises me on a daily basis and in 2007 is no different. When we first found out I was pregnant, he went and got the results from the test. He was not only excited, but skipped down the hallway to tell me. He has given up the bed so I can sleep and not get sea-sick with his constant tossing and turning (been going on for about a month now), he gets a bucket or holds back my hair when I do get sick, sticks around during nap-time so I can make a doctor appt or even catch a few winks myself, and completely takes care of our son, so I can feel better. Each day is a blessing and when you are pregnant, the little things count the most. I love him more each day and look forward to so much more in the future! What can I get away with when the baby comes? =)

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