Saturday, November 3, 2007

Saturday Night

You would think that the title would indicate a wonderful day, like the Elton John song suggests. Saturday nights are to be so wonderful. Don't get me wrong, I not only had a great day, it was a bunch of fun!! However, the end of the day wasn't so wonderful. I sit here at the computer trying to figure out my printer, praying that my cranky son stays asleep, and wondering when my hubby will be home. Strike husband just called...he should be home soon. But the evening has been so long.

Day started and I got up and met a friend and her kiddos. Talked for a bit. Then my hubby had a boys day at our home. Some college roommates came over and hung out watching football. I picked up pizza, went to the bank & a few stores. Kept busy. Then, I came home, made cookies and got dinner ready for tomorrow, went to a soup supper and picked up some baked goods for tomorrow (finally moving the playhouse off the trailer and onto the spot it will sit for the next 3 years). Then to come home.

My son had a wonderful day....watched and even played some football with the guys (he ran to the kitchen door so excited to tell me, then went back again), played with a fort built just for him, got some TV time, hung out with mom all day, got to play with the photo machine at the store, and even helped make cookies. Then the day got to be too much.
This is when the poop hit the celling fan and then made my night rough too.

Earlier, he saw a Curious George sticker he wanted. I told him that little boys that go poop in the potty got a sticker. He went directly to the toilet and pooped. This is the same boy that we have been struggling for over a year to just sit and try. He goes and poops! I'm excited!! Then we get home from the soup supper. I let him ride his trike around and asked him if he wanted to go potty at that moment or 5 minutes later. 1 minute later I find him stopping his trike and peeing right on it. The rest of the night went downhill. Crying because I didn't take him out of the bathtub when he wanted. Crying because I washed his hair. Crying because he didn't want to dress himself. Crying because he didn't want to go to bed, eat a snack or read a book. The only reason he is in bed is because I started reading a book and he just listened. From that point, he just settled into bed. 5 minutes after I closed the door and left him for the night, he was out. So exhausted from the day. I hope he remembers this day with the good things. I'll try to, because even though his day ended on a sour sure was a great Saturday!

Maybe with us gaining an hour tonight with the time change....Sunday will be even better!!! =)

1 comment:

Scott said...

Oh, how funny: you obviously never checked the actual lyrics of the Elton John song.

Here you go: