Friday, November 16, 2007

Funny things kids do

Each of these stories I can relate. I'm sure you can too. Just remember, these are true stories and any moment your kiddo could do this to you. =)

Last night, a daycare mom calls. She says, you have to hear what my daughter did. This got me excited.

Mom and daughter was at the grocery store. Mom bought some bananas and thought her daughter might want to share one. As they ate, she tore off part of the banana and handed to her daughter. A little bit was left in the skin as they got to the car. Mom thought it was best that she removed the rest and tossed the skin in the trash. Daughter was not to excited about that, so the daughter started throwing fit. Mom quickly explained that she can either have the banana or not. Daughter refused and they got in the car and started for home.

Mom heard daughter mumbling. Through the mumbling she heard her daughter say, "Make a good choice mom, big girl".


This morning a different daycare mom brought her son to daycare. The son was all upset because mom had been gone from home for 2 days (for a work related meeting) and then the morning he saw her, she brought him to daycare. Here is how the morning unfolded for the 2 of them:
6:30 am - Got kiddo dressed

6:45 am - Kiddo demanded to go potty. Mom led kiddo to bathroom and placed on potty.

6:50 am - Both wait. Mom looks and watch and realize they are running late.
Asks kiddo if he is
done. No. Both wait.

6:55 am - Mom looks and watch and realize they are running really late.
Asks kiddo if he is done. No. Both wait.

7:00 am - Mom starts to get sister ready to go. Kiddo climbs off the toilet and comes to find mom. He is not wearing pants, diaper, shoes, or socks.
Mom starts to get kiddo dressed, he demanded to go potty. Mom led kiddo to bathroom and placed on potty. Mom looks and watch and realize they are running really, really late. Mom asked kiddo again if he is done. No. She decides she has to go. Lifts him off potty. Kiddo screams and runs to the bathroom. Mom starts for the door. Kiddo realizes mom is leaving and runs to the door. Out the door, to the lawn, he chases mom. Still, he is not wearing pants, diaper, shoes, or socks. Mom turns to grab him, he runs into the house, to the bathroom, climbs onto the toilet and sits down to go potty.

7:05 am - Mom says again she has to go and starts from the door. Kiddo realizes mom is leaving. He climbs off the potty and runs to the door. Again, he is out the door, to the lawn, he chases mom. Still, he is not wearing pants, diaper, shoes, or socks. Mom turns to grab him, he runs into the house, to the bathroom, climbs onto the toilet and sits down to go potty.

7:10 am - Finally, mom picks him off the potty, kicking and screaming. She takes him to the car.
She puts him in the car and locks the door. He climbs over seat and looks for a way out.

7:15 am - Finally she is able to put him into the carseat...still no diaper on, but puts it under him as she straps it on.
The 10 minute drive to daycare, kiddo screams, kicks seat and demands to get out of carseat. Diaper is found, pulled out from under him and thrown away from him.

This is how they arrive at 7:25: Kiddo is still not wearing pants, diaper, shoes, or socks. He still demands to sit on potty, but when he realizes he doesn't get his way, he starts to settle down. Total tantrum -- 6:30 - 7:45 am.

Thank God it's Friday!!!

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