Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday Five: Think About These Things Edition

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Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8, NRSV)

Friends, it's nearly Thanksgiving in the U.S. and it's the time of year when we are pressed to name things for which we are thankful. I want to offer a twist on the usual lists and use Paul's letter to the church at Philippi as a model. Name five things that are true, honorable, just, pure, pleasing, commendable, excellent or worthy of praise. These could be people, organizations, acts, ideas, works of art, pieces of music--whatever comes to mind for you.

Clearly, Molly the Blogging Dog belongs on such a list. Thanks to jo(e) for the great picture of Molly.

1. My son. So much a kid, but so innocent of the way the world works. He wakes up each morning to find his mom and dad. He knows that we love him and that's all he cares about. He loves hugs, kisses, books to be read to him, Clifford the Dog, Disney Cars Movie items, his stuffed animals, any Thomas the trains, and the chance to be a typical boy. I praise him for bringing me back to my days of youth. Reminding me what it is to be young and feel like a kid, even if it is just at heart. And to ask questions that should be asked. Yes, the "why" question is asked a lot, but as we grow older, "why" isn't asked as much as it should. Thank you to him for bringing out the best in me.

2. My husband. He has stood by me through so much. He gives me strength but also asks me for it in return. We share our hopes, joys, likes/dislikes, fears, frustration, and all of our love with each other. He reminds me of how one should goal to live their life. He doesn't do many shortcuts. He works hard at all he does and just wants to find life as enjoyable as possible. When he is with my son, my heart just glows. The 2 of them are so special and truly make me smile. He truly understands me and works to make our lives better.

3. The Lutheran Student Center. My husband and I attended this congregation during our college years. In Lincoln, NE - it is a wonderful place for a college student to find family, in the closeness sense. I found so many friends that I considered my family. I found a closeness to God and being able to express that closeness easier to express here than any other place. Recently, my husband and I celebrated 100 years of campus ministry and returned to this place to honor LSC. It was a wonderful evening that brought back a flood of memories. I feel honored to have spent my time building my faith at this place.

4. The kiddos that I watch at daycare. Realistically, the kiddos only want one be with mom and dad. But since they are with me each day, they just want to be held, told they matter in the world, taught something new they can brag about, and believe that they are good kiddos. And also avoid naptime and play outside whenever possible. They are innocent kiddos that teach me each day how to be patient, look to learn new things, and not to forget why each of them are so special.

5. I have to complete my list with my music. Each of us have our own type of music that can bring us out of the deepest funk. It brings us to the realization that whatever happens to us, we can move on, cheers us us, or helps us move on from our sluggish feeling to a more peaceful feeling. I have 3-4 bands I listen to. Yes, Bon Jovi is one of them, but I also love Fleetwood Mac, Geoff Moore, Phil Collins, and various other artists. They bring me to a better place. I thank them each for giving us each this ability to move forward each day and to see a new light at the end of the tunnel.

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