Friday, October 19, 2007

Thank God for the Weekend

So, it finally came! After countless hours of work, kiddos running around like crazy, and plenty of poopy diapers with rashes on their butts....the WEEKEND IS HERE!!!! I'm so excited!

My husband, son, and I planned a trip away from home. My husband teaches one weekend a month and since it is 1 hour or more away from our home, they offer a free weekend at a hotel in the town of his class. Completely free for the family to stay (nothing extra) and so, we packed up the cars and headed west. Headed west to get out of dodge. Not that dodge was so bad, but we all need a break away from the house sometimes.

This past week was a good one. Busy but very good. I really count my week starting on Saturday night. That's when my sister sent me a text message asking for a favor. The way she worded it, it kind of freaked me out. I thought something bad happened, but after the shock and giving her a hard time, realized she needed me to record SNL on Saturday night. See, Jon Bon Jovi hosted the show. Need I say anymore? I'm a fan, but if you think I'm a big fan, you should meet my sister. She has practically every album the guy and band have ever made. She has even purchased cds that people taped at the actual concerts. Her first concert was in Omaha almost 2 years ago with myself and my friend K. It was a blast and in a heartbeat we would all go again. But it's hard to believe that for the past 13 years, she has had a thing for him. And only 2 years ago got to see him perform. Anywho, back to my weekend. I recorded it and while the show was airing, my sis and I sent texts back and forth. Must have been around 100 between the 2 of us. But it was a good and fun night.

The next day, we just got ready for the stressful. Anyone who ever said that Parent/Teacher Conferences only affect the teacher has never been married to one. It's like this cloud goes over the household. One moment you are laughing at a funny joke and the next you worry about how things are going and wondering what stress you can take off the situation. It was pretty intense this year on top of the PTC, my husband is teaching a new grade, so things have changed a bit from 1st to 4th grade. And on top of that, he is teaching the class this weekend (hence why I have time to blog) and so the preparation he has had to endure this week has been a truckload. He handled himself quite well. Right now he is getting last minute things done and looking pretty good. PTC went "pretty good" per my husband. And now, the last load of the week is almost here. I think he deserves an award. I'll have to get my creative hat on. =)

Then, my week progressed to the kiddos increasing in number, then today. Everyday this week, I seemed to have more kiddos or stress involving the kiddos. My day today was by far the best! Yesterday, I had 9 kiddos and they were great (check out my blog from yesterday Day's End to see about the day), then today I had 5 kiddos. 4 were there most of the time (1 of them being my son) and the 5th one popped in and out so fast, it was hard to believe he was there. =) They all listened pretty well. They all (even my son) took a 1 1/2 to 2 hour nap. And my husband even let me get out of the house for a few hours to get my hair cut and run a few quick errands. It was great! A great day after a busy (although good) Thursday.

So this leads us to the weekend.
Time to be pampered.
Time to be with family.
Time to relax.
Time to have some fun.

Weekend, I'm ready for ya! Thank God you came!

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