Friday, October 5, 2007

Friday Five: Thankfulness List

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Welcome to the Friday Five!

This one is going to be veeeery simple: List at least five things (people, places, graces, miracles...) for which you are thankful. You may elaborate as you wish, or keep it simple.

Hat tip to Princess Mindy for the idea. Oh...and if you know The Veggie Tales' hit "Thankfulness Song," please hum it as you post.

1. God. I have to say that I am foremost thankful that I have faith in God. Each day I ask for guidance, patience, stronger faith, and thank Him for all the blessings he has bestowed on me. Each day, I find myself needing more strength and at the same time feel so blessed for the things that he has given me already.

2. My Husband. Each day, he gives me so much joy, peace, and love. Even though he can't fix any problems I have, he makes me (or at least tries to) feel better about them. He is my best friend. I have a hard time thinking of life without him and feel blessed that I have him!

3. My Son. He drives me crazy, runs around all the time, makes simple tasks harder, and finds so many things to get into that he shouldn't and through all that he is the best thing that ever happened to my husband and I. We were just recalling how we found out we were expecting him. I went to my OBGYN for a routine checkup. The next thing she told me is that I was pregnant (I argued with her, but she just showed me the test and it was definitely positive). Even though my husband and I weren't trying, we were ecstatic (and also very terrified). Through the years we have experienced so much joy and pain (more than most parents face in a lifetime) but we have not only grown closer but we have grown as a family. He is my joy. And each day we wake up to a boy who loves us as much as we love him and wants to be with us too. 4 1/2 and he is still so much fun. I wouldn't trade him for the world.

4. My friend K. She is so much like a sister to me. She has seen me through my best moments and my most painful. She is a blessing to me. I thank God for allowing me to be blessed with such a wonderful friend.

5. My Mom. Though we have not have the greatest relationship in my childhood. The past few years have been a blessing to have her.


Scott said...

Good for you!

krugie23 said...

I thank God for family too! =)