Tuesday, October 9, 2007


As I sit here and take a look at my schedule, I find myself very thankful for the free time I have. With Halloween almost upon us, I am trying to get things ready for a daycare party. Last year we didn't do much (I'm not much of a munchkin party planner), but this year I am determined to find some fun things to do. We'll just have to see. It might be slap-stick, but it will be fun.

Then, I am working on getting my menus planed for the next few weeks. That takes time to figure out.

On top of that, I am to be taking classes/reading up on information for my continuing education that I have to take as a licensed daycare provider. 12 hours throughout the year. So far, I have 6, and I have until September. So, I have plenty of time. But I am one of those people...either I get it done early or am running late. I would rather have it done and not worry about it. Thursday I have another class. I'll be off again on an another adventure of learning.

Last weekend was his first weekend officially camping in a campground. Last summer, my husband, son and I camped out in our backyard and our son did quite well. This year we decided to take the leap to a real campground. Even though we forgot the camera and nix the camera taking, we bring back lots of great memories. We cooked hotdogs, roasted marshmellows, walked by the Platte river and threw sticks into it, played with our lanterns, ran around and in the tent like a wild animals, watched the fire dance to the noise of the crickets and locusts, and all fell asleep to the humm of the railroad track being used by the local Choo-Choo. It was a blast, tiring, but a blast!!

This weekend we are going to a hot-air balloon extravengaza. It will be the first time our 4 year old has seen beautiful these in person. I'm sure it will bring lots of fun.

Then the weekend later is to hopefully go up to see family. My husband's schedule is so crazy! He has parent teacher conferences on 10/17 & 10/18. Then 10/19 he is off of work, but then he teaches his college class on 10/20 & 10/21. Poor guy!! When it rains, it pours. On top of that he is still getting used to teaching 4th grade.

Then to put the cherry on top of it all, I found out it's a free weekend on the Starz channel. I have been counting on this weekend for a few weeks. Now I look at my schedule and ask myself, "Where will I find the time to watch all those movies??"

Oh the joys of a busy and fun life! =)

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