Monday, September 24, 2007


I love nap time! I don't care who you are or where in the world you live, but if you have a little one and have been spending all day home with them, you just love it when they zonk out for nap. Today, I have 6 kiddos. 1 almost 1 year old and the other 5 range from 3 (almost 4) to 23 months.
Yes, I love my daycare. Each day is a new challenge. Today, 2 of the 6 kiddos came back from a week home with mom. The older one threw this big fit when mom left. First he said he wasn't coming in. Then, when mom left him in the car (thinking he would just follow her if she left), he crouched down on the floor of the backseat in hopes she would think he was inside and drive off with him too. Then she brought him inside, that's when the fun began. He started wailing! Then when she left to go to work (right after she put him down), he chased after her. My husband had to guard the door. Thankfully, he started to realize that he was "stuck" at daycare and started to settle down. Today was not as bad as previous. I have had him cry and put on a fit for a whole hour. Another, he cried more when mom didn't wave goodbye. Fortunately, each episode has been shorter than the previous and we went to only a 3 minute tantrum today. Hopefully next time will be just a tear. =)

The rest of the kiddos are great! All just toddling around and playing. This morning, I only had 2 time outs for all the kiddos. That's a wonderful morning? Why yes it is. That means the rest of the morning was spent playing nicely, sharing, interacting, and growing to be big kids! Oh how they all want to be that big boy or girl. Each day when you give them that praise, they sit up straight with their shoulders high and smile the biggest smile!! Oh, how I could go back to those innocent years! I love the smiles, the laughter, the fun. May we all have a little kid inside of us all the time. It makes life so much better!

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