Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday 5- De-Cluttering edition.

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With Jo, Jon and Chris all moving to college and University accommodation there has been a big clear up going on in the Coleman household. We have been sorting and trying hard not just to junk stuff, but actually to get it to where it can be useful. On a brighter note we have used Freecycle ( check it out) to provide the twins with pots and pans etc that other folk were clearing out.

Making the most of our resources is important, I have been challenged this week by the amount of stuff we accumulate, I'd love to live a simpler lifestyle, it would be good for me, and for the environment I think...

With that in mind I bring you this Friday 5;

1. Are you a hoarder or a minimalist?
I am actually in the middle. There are some things I do keep for reason. Those items are usually craft type items or things that I can see making a creative use for in the future. And clothing my son has outgrown. We do hope to have another child someday and if we have a boy, we have lots of clothes for him. If we have a girl....start from scratch.

On the minimalist side, my husband's closet, kitchen, and basement get a 3 month look over to see if there is anything that goodwill may take more appreciation in or use more than we could. I have given many things away, including pans I now wish I had and clothing that still may have the price tag on them. My view is that if someone else needs it more, than I will assist them in that need.

2. Name one important object ( could be an heirloom) that you will never part with.
I have 2. I have a dinning room table w/5 chairs. It was my grandpa's. As I recall my dad telling me, my grandpa & grandma bought them at my Great Grandfather's auction for $15 all together (back in the day). So it's been in the family a really long time. It's real oak and the chairs all match. The table has claw feet and can be extended to 8 feet. We have had 12 people sit around the table at once before. Over the years, the table and 2 of the chairs have gotten stained. I hope to give them some life by re-staining and varnishing them again.

I remember as a child sitting at the table and trying to put my feet up on the base. It took quite few years. I also remember my grandfather playing solitaire on the table. After my grandma died, he lived in his house alone. He spent so many hours playing solitaire that he wore the numbers of the cards. It's a joke in my family that this is the only way my grandpa won the game. he didn't know what card was what.

The second item is a foot pedal sewing machine. Grandma purchased it from my great-uncle. He worked at a furniture store and gave them a discount on it (I believe it was around $35). I remember it being in the back room when I was a child and we were told not to play with it. That did not stop my brother and younger sister from "looking" at it. I love this machine and when I brought it to my home, I found so many items in it that were used and put in drawers from my grandmother. It brought me closer to her. Most of my memories of her were in the years we knew she had Alzheimer's Disease. So, to have a piece that she used and loved before she was so sick, just gives me a piece of her I never had as a kid. It means the world to me.

3. What is the oldest item in your closet? Does it still fit???
I have a bridesmaid dress I wore in 2000 to my best friend's wedding. Yes, it still does fit (thankfully, I had lost a lot of weight after my son was born). I only keep it because it is beautiful, I paid a lot of money for it, and I still hope someday there is something formal enough for me to wear it again.

4.Yard sales- love 'em or hate 'em ?
I love them! Usually I can find some clothing for my son or toy for the daycare/son that would be beneficial. Occasionally, I can find some good pictures or wall accessories to hang up that will aid in our decor. I have to say, I like to find a bargain and don't mind fixing the item up either a bit to make it more appealing. Once I found a large painted flower wall hanging. The frame was in good shape but needed some TLC. I paid only $3.00 for it. I spent $8 in paint and the picture is as good as new. Looks great and my husband and I couldn't be more pleased!

5. Name a recycling habit you really want to get into.
We do try to recycle plastic, cans, and glass, when we can. We have a recycle bin that took the daycare kids awhile to realize it wasn't a trash can. Now we talk about it with them and our son. Anything we can do to help the environment.

And for a bonus- well anything you want to add....
Remember, to recycle is to love to reuse and restore.

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