Tuesday, September 25, 2007

If she told you to jump off a cliff

I get it now. When I was a kid (many of you may relate), my mom used to tell me things that just seemed stupid. Like if you sit too close to the TV, you will hurt your vision. How can that be true? I always believed that the statement was so false. Sitting by the TV can only help clarify my perception and make me focus more. So, that statement was not true, I could hear more over my brother and sisters if I was closer to the TV. But mom had a point, it was not good for my neck, my ears, and probably my eyes. But the way she worded it just sounded so stupid. Then today happened.

Child 1 was playing with toy. Child 2 comes over and wants toy. C1 won't give toy, so C2 hits C1. Enter me, and C2 goes to timeout.

An hour later, C2 was making noise while other kiddos were watching movie (they were being good). Asked C2 to settle down. Then C2 decides to bang hands on toy piano. Told C2 to stop. 5 minutes later, C2 decides to continue to torment kiddos and by this time me. Time out goes to C2.

10 minutes (I kid you not, just 10 little ole minutes) goes by. C2 was playing with Child 3. C3 says to C2, "Play with me. Come sit on my back." Well....as this seems harmless, C2 has been warned multiple, let me repeat, multiple times for being rough with the other kiddos. So, without my knowing (since I was changing a diaper) C2 does decide to sit on C3's back. But proceeded to push C3's head into the floor giving her a fat lip and having her bite her tongue. As I am talking to C2 about how disappointed I am that he did this....my mind wanders. To the other phrase that rings through my head......"If she told you to jump off a cliff, would you do that too?"

So, at this point, I am just trying everything in me not to say that. Instead, I send him to a quiet place to think about what he did. We talk when he comes back. It starts as I ask questions and he avoids answering them. Then C2 does something, he starts to listen. He realizes that I am not upset at him, but his actions. Although I can't get him to understand common sense (that doesn't come until after we are 25 and then it's only used for those who understand that power) I feel better about the situation. I know that he is only using these tactics to get attention. Even though it is negative attention, it is attention. Now if I can get him to realize that good things make more attention than bad.

So what other statements can remember from my childhood.
2 rights don't make a wrong.
Don't run with scissors.
It's too quiet in here.
I love you no matter what. I think I'll stick to this one.


LutheranHusker said...

Here's one from my childhood, courtesy of my mom:

"I'm cold. Everyone needs to put on a sweater."


krugie23 said...

Stop running, someone is going to poke an eye out!