Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A funny story

So, I have a better story tonight then yesterday....

My son's favorite book (right now) is called "The Tiny Whiny Tadpole". It talks about this little tadpole that just wants to leap. He meets a lamb, bunny, and grasshopper who all can leap, but he can't quite yet, but he "soon will". Well, at the end of the book, he meets this BIG BAD FISH. And the book has the fish say, (which my husband and I say in deep low and loud voices) "I AM THE BIG BAD FISH AND I EAT TADPOLES!!!" Well, my son had found that he can say that too. Tonight, I was washing dishes and he was pretending to be the BIG BAD FISH. I didn't think anything of it, but all of the sudden I was the tadpole and the little rascal bit my leg!!! I let out this yell (which my hubby could hear all the way out at the shed at the far end of our yard). I quickly explained that we don't bite, we pretend to bite. Later I checked and I have a bruise on my leg in the shape of teeth marks. My husband was quite surprised. He didn't believe that our son bit me that hard until he saw the marks.

1 comment:

Scott said...

We love the stories - keep 'em coming.

Like the new look here, too!