Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Day 3

So, today is a new day. In my care are 7 kiddos. 4 are not napping. 1 has worked his body out of nap time, 2 are school age so they have been out of the routine for a bit, and the last one is very determined that he does not "need" a nap and wants to join the "big" kids. It is quite funny to watch. =)

As far as things go, I am tired. My body is physically exhausted each day. Coming up with a menu (new food program) each week and making my days easier by preparing food the night before and making sure each aspect is ready does get draining. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my job....but it seems that the more kiddos I watch, the more tired I am. The more tired I am the more I worry about my job. The good news....I am watching my cola intake and drinking more juice and water.

One of these days will be less tiring.

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