Monday, March 1, 2010


So, when did the time fly? I mean, it seems like just yesterday that my oldest was just being bottle fed and needing diaper changes. Now, he's the BIG boy of the house. And if one forgets to add the 1/2 to his age (he is 6 1/2 btw), we hear about it.

For the longest time, no matter what we did, if we couldn't pass the words along by saying them quietly, my husband and I have been able to spell them out. And that worked for quite a long time, but just recently, we have had to change our strategy. This once child has learned to spell. Who let that happen? Rats, there goes another parent strategy! Teachers! Who told them they could do that???

So, our new plan....come up with "slang" for things we use a lot. Our newest....the restaurant. Z likes to go to Applebees. So does his parents, but going there EVERY time we went out to eat was sort of like going to the dentist for a root has to be done, but not many people enjoy it. brilliant husband, came up with code to help us avoid streets with this restaurant on it. Every time we see this fun, mozzarella stick serving eating establishment.......FRUIT-INSECT.

Even with the cool new name and disguise to keep us from slipping up and saying the name, we still ate there on Friday night. This time, not so bad. I guess, even though you re-name an eating establishment, it's all about the atmosphere. And, I wouldn't rename, move, or trade that for the world.

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