Monday, March 8, 2010

Busy Weekend

So, I was a bit surprised. Friday, my wonderful husband surprised me with a night out with the girls. Well, he tried to. I was almost completely surprised, had I not stumbled across an email while helping a teacher (who was invited). It just amazes me that after almost 10 years of marriage, my husband still will try and make my day better by giving me something back. He knew how stressed I have been at work and school these past 9 weeks and talked to a teacher, then another....and I am taken out for the evening by some friends. It was so nice to hang out with the girls. And even nicer to know my husband cares.

Sunday - My husband turned the ripe age of 34. He doesn't like the attention and so planning anything a bit hard at times. But Z and I decided that we wanted to go to the Hockey game on that day. So we bought the tickets and off my husband, Z, and I went. It was a blast! And it was so nice for the night away. No worries. And with the gracious offer of babysitting, N was taken well care of while we were gone.

Even though we were all over and not sitting still this was worth it. =)

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