Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Let me start by saying that I love my boys.....both of them. But........geesh!! N is teething. Back when he was 5 months old, he got 4 teeth in. His top and bottom front teeth. And from that point to just a few weeks ago, that is all he had. So, we have been very blessed and fortunate to have only dealt with a few tantrums due to teeth for the past 17 months. Then, 3 weeks ago....they decided to come. Yes.....ALL 16 of the remaining teeth. What did we do to upset the gods? What's going on here? Our sweet, loving, fun, hugable toddler has turned into...... into... .... into.....a climbing, walking, screeching, unhappy and I'm going to tell you child. Oh, please pray that these teeth come in quickly.........

Z is going through a growing spurt and an independence spurt. He has to decide when he wants to eat something. He has to decide when to go somewhere. He has to decide if things are good for him. And he's sleeping more and more and needing to go to bed earlier. The good thing....he is having very, very few nights of bed-wetting. FINALLY!!!! So there is a light at the end of this tunnel.

It's amazing what stages these boys go through....but I wouldn't trade them for the world!

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