Wednesday, February 13, 2008

3 days?

So, the 3 days, stayed only 3 days. I tempted fate by writing about it. But, I'm still proud!

Today, I hoped for an uneventful day. Not so fast George Banks! Kiddo cried this morning when his mom took a toy away (only hear for 2 minutes), then my kiddo cried when I turned off the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (how dare you do that), the bus came early, and the baby cried when grandma and aunt dropped him off (not a surprise). That's all before 8 am! For one day, could I ask for a "low key" kind of day.

Well....tomorrow will be nuts! Valentine's Day is always wild and tomorrow will be even more so. I have 2 kiddos coming that haven't been here for a bit. Here's hoping for Friday! =)

Hope your Wednesday is a good day!

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