Tuesday, February 12, 2008

3 days

3 days to most people may seem like nothing. To a 4 year old, they tend to seem long or maybe even boring. But to me, I have hope. Maybe I am hoping too much or tempting fate, but my son has been accident free for 3 days! Believe it! I am still in a bit of shock and so excited to say it out loud! Accident free as he has not pooped or peed in his pants! Yes, my 4 year old got it to click! Today, he told me before he got on the bus that he would go poop at school and maybe get a sticker. Although the sticker shouldn't be the reason, I'm glad he is willing to try. He's thinking about it. He is talking about it. He is proud. That makes me proud too! =)

WAY TO GO! Let's go for 4 days now!!!

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