Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday - fondue is bad for you!! Well, at least me.

So, I'm again back from the land of the obsolete and brain-dead. I just can't seem to keep from getting sick lately. The weekend was fine then came Sunday night.

Ok...recapping my weekend:

Friday, after daycare, my hubby and son drove to Ames to visit family. It was a good drive, 3 hours. Stopped shortly in Des Moines and then headed the rest of the way. It was a good night to drive and we had a good conversation and our son got some much needed sleep.

Saturday, husband helped paint in his brother's house. I vegged in basement with pregnant sister-in-law and her kiddo and mine. Some of her family showed up to help, so we had another kiddo downstairs. It was a good day, but it got quite long after a bit. I was ready to go after supper and be in my own home and sleep in my own bed.

Saturday, we went to church, got groceries, had down time and then went to grill group. Here's where the weekend gets interesting. We stopped at my hubby's Aunt and Uncle's house to pick up something then headed to our grill group (we meet with these people once a month and just enjoy each other's company). The food decided for the night was fondue. I had never had this before. I knew that it was very much a dairy item, so I took my lactaid pill (since I can't have too much milk in my system) and then ate merrily with the rest. It was a good night. We got home around 9 pm and then around 9:30, after sending a few emails, I started to feel a bit sick. Thinking it was just the baby and being tired from the weekend, I headed to bed to sleep it off. 15 minutes later I got sick. After an hour of being sick and dizzy, I managed to settle down and get some sleep.

Only to awake feeling very dizzy and still sick. Needless to say, I canceled daycare at 6 am on Monday, and slept my morning away. My hubby stayed home to take care of me, and we called the doctor. After a few calls back and forth, we decided that I was only dehydrated and needed to get fluids and food in my tummy. So I ate, slept and drank during the morning. This was not fun. If I did learn anything, I learned that fondue is my enemy and will not partake of any of the dairy aspect of that again! It so good and very bad for me.


Scott said...

We were sorry to hear you got sick after such a fun visit! Thanks again for all your help. I finished the bedroom Tuesday morning and they installed the carpet that afternoon - it looks SO much better now!

See you in a couple of weeks!

krugie23 said...

Glad to hear the bedroom got put together! That's exciting! We know how wonderful that feeling is to have that done. Can't wait to see the finished product.

I'm glad I'm feeling better. Hate to be sick, but if I am, I'm glad that I have the comfort of my home to crash in. =) Thanks for the thoughts