Monday, October 15, 2007

So, we bought a house?

A few weekends ago, we went to our former college church in Lincoln, NE. They have an annual woodworking auction to help support their annual budget. We have been wanting to go for years and finally scheduled into our calendar and went this past September.

My husband and I told each other that we were just going to check it out. Before we knew it, we were not only purchasing a planter (that we have no idea what we are going to do with) but we also purchased a playhouse (this will be useful for the daycare) and spent more money than we ever thought we would (don't worry, we didn't break the bank).

So, we were nervous about the purchase, but felt good about it. All is going well. We had arrangements for the college faternaty that built the house to deliver it to us. As it turns out, it came yesterday. As it pulled up into our driveway on the trailer, our son's eyes went big and he started jumping up and down screaming "my house, that's my house mom!!!" My husband and my mouths dropped. This playhouse is quite larger than we remember. As we talked to the leader of the delivery team, the house weighs around 1200 lbs. Yes, it weighs around 1200 lbs.

Our thought of putting it up on the highest part of our lawn (by the swingset) is gone. Now we are left to ponder what to do with it! It's on the trailer still and will be for a few days/weeks/months, until we determine what exactly to do with it. Although we think we have a plan, we still have to get it off the trailer still. Hmmmm..........

What were we thinking???

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