Monday, October 1, 2007


So, it is an ungodly hour to be up and typing. On Friday, I lost my voice. So, Saturday and Sunday, I struggled telling my son and husband the slightest instructions. We were visiting family and friends, so that wasn't the most fun when I had a hard time talking. But as my husband observed, that didn't stop me either. =)

It hit me again how hard things are sometimes. We went to a woodworking auction (my husband are alumni from the Lutheran Student Center in Lincoln, NE) and they have this each year to bring in extra funds for thing through the year. We saw people we know and love and haven't seen for quite some time. A friend lost her husband, another her children's grandmother, childern were hospitalized, and much change. Change. It's so hard to believe how much change goes on in less than a year. To lose your loved one is hard, but your husband!!! I can't imagine! I love my husband so much and the thought of him not hear just is hard to even imagine. I pray for her and her family to find peace. She looked peaceful yesterday. I pray that she continue to find peace and comfort even in such a cruel world.

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