Monday, December 29, 2008

Things I learned over the past week....

I have realized that Christmas is a time of giving, a time of love, and a time of innocence. But...I learned a bit more.

Things I learned:
1. Boys like to play boy things.
2. One does not share their Husker toys.
3. Not all gatherings are fun.
4. Babies teething during the holidays really puts a damper on things.
5. Santa does come to the house, but the excitement isn't always there.
6. Christmas goodies disappear quite quickly.
7. Laundry piles up fast.
8. It's amazing how quickly friends come for a visit then have to go home.
9. 5 boys, 1 girl, and 2 babies sure can make a mess!
10. 1 evening out without the kids is not enough. I need another night!
11. Cleaning up the toy mess isn't as bad as it used to be.
12. Waking up in the morning is nice when you don't have to go back to work till 1/5/08.
13. Looking forward to more time relaxing!
14. Small town after Christmas sales isn't as stressful as it would be in the big city.
15. A smile or laugh from one of my sons goes a very long way!
16. A few hours of fun in the snow brings memories that last a long time!
17. Looking forward to the thaw more!
18. Amazed on how we survived the weekend.
19. Ready to take down the decorations more this year than previous.
20. I really love all 3 of my boys....and appreciate them even more after this past holiday.
21. 2 year old girls can sit if they with the right person to sit with.
22. Crawling babies move quickly.
23. Pictures from the past are precious commodities.
24. Still missing the Baby Einstin movie box.
25. Melting snow is a blessed sight.

Hope you all had a great Christmas!

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