Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Baptism weekend

This past weekend, we celebrated our youngest son's (N) baptism.

Friday, Grandma D babysat so Mom, Dad, big brother, and Grandpa D could go check out the local high school football team.

Saturday was filled with more family arriving and the big Nebraska Cornhusker game. It was a fun game and had I been able to watch it and not rock the overtired baby, I would have really enjoyed the evening.

Then came the baptism on Sunday. It was a beautiful morning. We dressed N in a special outfit that his brother wore 5 years previous. The baptismal was outfit made by his Grandma D from left over material that also made my wedding dress. Like his brother before him, he wore the sweet outfit and was proudly presented to have the blessing and words of hope given to him. No tears (from anyone) during the event. Afterwords, we walked to our home and ate good food and enjoyed wonderful company (even the minister and his family came over).

N was a trooper! With all the family here for the special weekend, he wasn't too happy at times, but he survived. Our oldest son Z had a blast playing with his cousin A, the pastor's kids, and spending time with his aunts/uncles and grandmas/grandpas. There was much food, laughter, and lots of fun for all.

We have to say, we feel blessed to have such a great family. The time in WF has been good and we can't believe that we have been here 1 1/2 months already. We are starting to fit in and get the hang of this small town living. (I say that and tomorrow will be completely off the "normal".)

All makes us feel better seeing the newest face our youngest gives us. He doesn't give it often, but the smile just melts my heart and make my worries and hard feelings go away.

With pictures like these, wouldn't you agree.

What a blessed weekend.

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