Monday, August 25, 2008

A good day

So, this weekend was a good weekend. I took my sons and visited family in SD, rain some errands, and came home and made some meals for the freezer. Just in time to spend some quality time with my husband (he was gone teaching class for the weekend).

It was a good start to a new week. My new week began with renewed energy. There was no school for the elementary kiddos and in-service for teachers. And since I am a para, it was an optional in-service. I decided, why not. It may help me understand more of what teachers go through and maybe learn something myself that may aid me in the classroom. So, after dropping off the kiddos at daycare, my husband and I proceeded to school for the meeting. It was good. I did learn lots and find myself happy that I'm not a teacher but craving more. Funny how that works.

After lunch, I did a few things in my husband's classroom, then off to pick up the boys. We came home and I did a few things around the office. Then, off to the doctor for my youngest son's 2 month check-up. He is doing awesome! 9lbs 15 oz, 21" 2 shots later, we were out of there.

When we got home....supper as a family, a game of sorry (which I was royally whipped at), and 2 kiddos to bed....then some quit time. Husband working on school stuff and now watching Criminal Minds (he tapes it).

I just have to say how blessed I feel. I have an awesome husband who shares so many hopes and dreams with me. He blessed me with 2 wonderful and amazing boys with such personalities that heads turn and people just smile. I have a wonderful job that lets me challenge myself, yet not making me feel overwhelmed (although it's a bit early to know for sure). Our home just makes me feel good about what we have accomplished in such little time. We still have dreams of what to do with it, but we love all the character it has.

Life is good. After a weekend like I just had, I feel good to be living the life I have. Things get tough at times, but is really, really good!

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