Friday, August 8, 2008

Almost there.....

So, we have been unpacking, fixing things, and doing so much around the house, I have hardly had time to think. As of today, we are down to 4 boxes left to unpack. Not too shabby, since we closed on this house July 11 and didn't move in till the 19th.

The boys are doing well and N is starting to adjust to a schedule (I say that and he'll be totally messed up tomorrow). He's been trying to smile. Every time I think he smiles at me, I hear him pass gas a few seconds later. So, I can't count the smile. Sure, he will in his dreams, but won't for us.

Z is excited about school and got a "real" letter today (as he put it) from his NEW teacher. That just made his day. That and the fact that dad set up his swing-set in the backyard. He has been busting our guts this past week with his sayings and out loud comments. At Grandma and Grandpa J's house, he "totally in fun" turned from dad and I and crossed his arms. With a huge grin on his face, he said "FINE". We can't even remember why he did it, but the look on his face caused everyone at the table to burst into laughter.

My husband is getting ready for school. Classroom is almost ready and lesson plans have to be made, but all and all...good for only 6 days away from teachers reporting. He was so excited today to have the garage all cleaned up and pretty much organized. I walked in, and even though we had a garage and a storage shed at our last house, I swear that we have much more room here in this garage than the both combined. That, or we got rid of a lot of stuff before we left.

I am fairing well. Tired, lonesome for friends, and ready to work again. The next 10 days will go by fast, but I'm counting on it. =) I look forward to trips out of WF this next week to finish a few things before I become an official member of the school staff. I'm a bit nervous becoming a Para. I'm nervous for a few reasons. I'm a bit worried about what I'm needed to do, the people I work with, kids that will be in the room, and and having my son across the hallway from me. I know all will work out, but getting things figured out isn't going to be easy.

So, before I end this blog (sorry for jumping around so.....) I thought I would share some cute pictures. Friends sent these to us. It's from moving day and it is of Z and his friend T. They were so excited to be "adults" that day and help move things. I was told that T was sad to know that T was moving further away from him and commented on his way to help move on the 19th, that WF must look like the fields between their house and ours. A cute thought and makes me smile to know that T has such thought provoking ideas. For being 4 1/2 years old, that kid will move mountains someday.

Thanks for the great memories T!

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