Thursday, February 14, 2008

My vesion....

So, my friends M & K both wrote about when they
started dating 11 years ago.
Now it's my time to share my version.

My boyfriend (now husband) was pretty sick and very worn down (find out on V-day a few days later that he has mono....yet another story for anther time). So, both of us were hanging out at his house so he could rest and try and work on homework. The other roommates were there, brother and is girlfriend and another friend R. The phone rings. It's for the brother. He takes that in his room and all is fine.

Then my cell phone rings. Yes, it's K. She is acting strange. I ask her what's up. She says that her former camp site manager & my former councilor friend thought they (K & M) should hang out. We talk for a bit and I find out that this "so called" get-together happens to be on V-Day. Yep, I tell her, "He likes you. There is no way he would ask you out without knowing it's V-Day." She denies it. Over and over again. We hang up the phone and I just laugh.

I tell my boyfriend about the conversation. He says, "really". He says that the guy on the phone was "M and he is talking to my brother". Hmmm...... He is probably about the same thing that K just called me about.

So, when the conversations are both over, we all meet in the living room and "discuss" the calls. It is quite cute how both M & K view the gathering time as "different" occasions for getting together, but all of us agree that it is a date. We all hope for the best and we all know they would be perfect together.

Boy...I think their friends are smart! =) Glad you both realized it was a "date" and made it into a lifetime of happiness! Congrats!!

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