Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Wanting a new day.....

So, today was rough.

I took care of:
* A teething 10 month old who is getting over a double ear infection.
* A 14 month old, who decided to mimic the other kiddos and jump off the last few steps to the basement. Yeah, he managed to fall on his face and bite his top lip.
* A 2 year old who was coming down with something and was so tired all day. Poor guy! I took his temp as his mom came and he had a slight one and just wanted to cuddle.
* Another 2 year old, does this pouting thing when she doesn't get her way. And choices seem to work, but it takes quite a few times of being persistent to get her to finally make a decision. Everything was this way all day. I felt a bit better when mom showed up and she decided to do the same to mom.
* An upset 3 year old, whose dad dropped him off at lunch (he doesn't usually do that) and bless his dad's heart, dad tried to make him feel better, but the longer he stayed, the more upset the boy got. He just wanted his daddy.
* And there is my son. He got off the bus and he was wet. If you don't know our frustration with boys and potty training....you should know that they take forever to train and frustrate the parents more than anyone else. So, he was dry all day and accident free. But the bus ride home, it just set his body into motion. Then we get him changed (he had to parade around the house half naked in front of a parent, but that's a story I can embarrass him on later....so I'm not upset about) and it took 20 minutes of me being persistent and telling him to get his pants on.

Then later, after running errands, I picked up my hubby and we headed out to eat at Pizza Hut (my FAVORITE pizza place) and got parked and realized my son was wet once again. So....needless to say, we came home....no pizza. But as he changed, I ran out and got some BK for my hubby and I. We ate it merrily in front of the boy. Sorry Charlie! Kiddos that don't keep their pants dry, and know how to tell mom and dad they have to go potty, don't get the wonderful taste of BK. Not tonight. Try again another night.

I'm better, now that I vented. I pray that if you have kiddos, you appreciate the good days. Cause when the bad ones come, you just want to scream. Yeah, today wasn't too bad, but it was a screaming type of day.

On to a new day tomorrow! I pray for a snow day!

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