Thursday, December 13, 2007


Thank God it's Thursday! Some people are thankful for Friday, but Thursday is my early day. All of my kiddos are picked up by 4:30 pm. Usually I work until 5:30. Thursdays are not that day.

Then there is the 9 month old. The last day with a particular baby that is crabby because he is going through the parent withdraw. He cries when I leave the room because he thinks I'm not coming back. Oh, there are tears, loud screams, and tantrums. I'm patient. I quietly move him to another room to throw his tantrum and he is usually better after 5-10 minutes. The worst is right before nap time. He's over tired and then I "disappear". That's when I start to laugh to myself and say "how rough!" I wish I could throw a tantrum for my husband or son leaving the house. I wish I could cry histerically for the slightest thing I didn't like happening. But I can't and so I am teaching him that he can't. It's a slow process. In the mean time.....I'm thankful that I have a day off from him tomorrow.

Then, Fridays bring my son back all day. He has preschool Monday-Thursday. Friday he is home all day. We made a milestone this week. On Tuesday, he started going poop in the potty. It sounds as though he is doing it at school too, but this hasn't been confirmed by his teacher. Right now it is hearsay from my son. But, if he is doing at school what he is doing at home, that could not make me more happier! What a great week! I'm glad that he finally figured it out! He's only 4 1/2, but I am so happy he finally, finally figured it out!!! =)

Thank God for Thursdays!

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